Fist of Flour Doughjo


Welcome to The Doughjo

Founded in 2010, Fist of Flour Pizza Company is all about keeping it local, fresh and tasty. I make wood-fired gourmet pizzas, wherever I can. We have always sourced our ingredients from local purveyors, use organic produce and sustainable meats for all of our toppings and sauces. We make 95 percent of what we serve from scratch each week.

I built my first pizza oven at the end of 2009, in the backyard, right off the kitchen, so I could hone my craft and figure out how to take this idea to the streets. I’ve been testing and modifying my recipes for the sauces and dough I use for a long time, and after seven years of focused energy, I believe I have a successful formula. I admit I do not adhere to any one particular style of pizza making, but apply my own methods of cooking with fire at 800-1000° to create an exceptional product at any outdoor location or event, any time of year.

In late October of 2013, we had an opportunity to purchase a small store front pizzeria in the Laurel District, and by January 2014, the Fist of Flour’s first brick and mortar location opened its doors to 100’s of hungry neighbors. The Doughjo now serves as our main base of operations, and a source for really great take-away and delivery pizza in a neighborhood that needed it badly.

Opened in 2014, the Doughjo celebrates a decade here in the Laurel District, and is still going strong. The company continues to operate its mobile catering business year round traveling to all parts of Northern California serving up fresh hot pizza everywhere they go.


4166 MacArthur Blvd,
Oakland, CA 94619
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locally sourced
take out