There are many terrific public speaking trainers and programs designed to teach you about public speaking but few programs that will talk to you about the business of public speaking. As a business owner, solopreneur or consultant you probably already know that public speaking can help drive business success and thought leadership status. Or it can BE a business, driving actual revenue. What do you need to do to make that a reality? Bobbie Carlton, the founder of Innovation Women, Innovation Nights and Carlton PR & Marketing, will take you behind the scenes in the events and conference world. She’ll introduce you to the four different kinds of public speaking; help you assess which kind will drive your business the farthest fastest and show you how to get yourself on the right stages (whether in-person or virtual). You’ll learn: The key business benefits of public speaking How to create a foundation for public speaking? What kinds of opportunities are available to you? The different public speaking business models How to determine the best model for you and your business? ABOUT THE PRESENTER(S) Bobbie Carlton Carlton PR & Marketing Bobbie Carlton is a speaker and serial entrepreneur. She’s the founder of Carlton PR & Marketing, Innovation Nights and Innovation Women. Bobbie Carlton Founder of Carlton PR & Marketing, Innovation Nights and Innovation Women, Carlton PR & Marketing